innovate innovation

Our Mission

To create a society that saves lives through the power
of us.
To create a society that saves lives through the power
of us.

We inochi WAKAZO Project is a group of next-generation innovators mainly led by medical students from all over Japan. We, as young people, will realize a future society that saves lives through the united efforts of industry, government, academia, the private sector, and us.

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From the local community to the world, we engage and provide healthcare activities all over the world.

Past works

Our Team

We are working together with everyone including the medical industry, the government, the academia, the private sector, and you! We are welcoming working together people outside the medical industry.


inochi Gakusei Innovators' Program 2024

inochi Gakusei Innovators' Program

This is a healthcare problem-solving program. Each team consisting of 2-4 Japanese Junior and Senior High School students work for creating the whole new solution for six months with a university student mentor. (A different healthcare topic is set each year. ) During the process, they have special sessions by front runners from various fields.

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inochi WAKAZO Forum 2023

「想い、紡ぎ、輝くいのち」をテーマに掲げ、2023年12月3日に開催されるフォーラム。YouTube配信と中之島フェスティバルタワー・ウェスト4F中之島会館にて開催。i-GIP で数ヶ月間、睡眠時無呼吸症候群に取り組んできた中高生のプレゼンテーションを第一部に、世界中の人々を巻き込みながら「死」という観点から「いのち」を考え、「いのちを守り合う循環」を生み出してきたWAKAZO提供のパネルディスカッションを第二部に据えてお届けします。

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Japan-America Innovators of Medicine

Japan-America Innovators of Medicine

The first intercultural health tech hackathon for students from UCLA, Stanford, and Japan. Event happening in Kyoto, Japan from 8/22-26. The event is produced by inochi in collaboration with Stanford University's health++.

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inochi WAKAZO Forum 2022


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Pharmaceutical Industry Project

The collaboration project with Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association. This project is aimed at gaining a further understanding of the pharmaceutical industry and making a proposal on the future of the industry from the perspective of the young people.

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Join us

We are looking for new members.

We are always seeking and doing what only young people can do as leaders of the future society. We are looking for people who are interested in human resource development, product development, and community development to create a world that can save lives together.

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Support us

Our activities are made up of your support.

We aim to expand activities of saving lives by our activities with junior high school and high school students. We are looking forward to your warm support to continue our journey.

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General incorporated association: inochi Mirai Project