inochi WAKAZO Forum 2023
「想い、紡ぎ、輝くいのち」をテーマに掲げ、2023年12月3日に開催されるフォーラム。YouTube配信と中之島フェスティバルタワー・ウェスト4F中之島会館にて開催。i-GIP で数ヶ月間、睡眠時無呼吸症候群に取り組んできた中高生のプレゼンテーションを第一部に、世界中の人々を巻き込みながら「死」という観点から「いのち」を考え、「いのちを守り合う循環」を生み出してきたWAKAZO提供のパネルディスカッションを第二部に据えてお届けします。
「想い、紡ぎ、輝くいのち」をテーマに掲げ、2023年12月3日に開催されるフォーラム。YouTube配信と中之島フェスティバルタワー・ウェスト4F中之島会館にて開催。i-GIP で数ヶ月間、睡眠時無呼吸症候群に取り組んできた中高生のプレゼンテーションを第一部に、世界中の人々を巻き込みながら「死」という観点から「いのち」を考え、「いのちを守り合う循環」を生み出してきたWAKAZO提供のパネルディスカッションを第二部に据えてお届けします。
This forum was held online on November 21, 2021. Young innovators gave passionate presentations on their achievements of the year. Furthermore, we declared our action plans for Osaka Kansai Expo 2025 and had a panel discussion on future society.
This was an online forum held in 2020. We had a special discussion with front runners from academia, industry, government and private sectors who were taking actions for Osaka Kansai Expo 2025, on how we can 'design future society for our lives'.
Enterprises, experts from various fields and the young formed a community and had deep discussions to as the first step to innovate our society by accurately grasping today's fast-changing society.
This is our official YouTube channel. Various interesting videos are uploaded.
This forum was held in 2019, where passionate students presented their annual achievements.
Proposals from world's young people about SDGs. Welcome to "WAKAZO EARTH." Here you can see where in the world and what kind of issues young people raise.
This is an online platform where young people can freely post their ideal expo which they want to create in Osaka Kansai Expo 2025.