On December 21th, 2022, our member, Ryoma Iizuka gave a presentation on the activities of inochi WAKAZO Project at the general meeting about jellyfish pavillion in Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan.
The general meeting about jellyfish pavillion is a gathering of sponsors, beginning with Ms. Sachiko Nakajima, to materialize the theme of “Invigorating Lives”.
Please refer to the Ritsumeikan University’s website to check out the presentation on the stage.
OICにて初開催「2025年大阪・関西万博 クラゲ館全体ミーティング」に本学学生も参加 |立命館大学 (ritsumei.ac.jp)
- All articles
- Press Release on “inochi’s Pay It Forward Week Presented by CHUGAI PHARMACEUTICAL”
- Students from the 2023 cohort, presented their research at the poster session of the Japanese Society of Sleep Research (JSSR).
- An English paper evaluating i-GIP2020 has been published.
- The inochi WAKAZO Forum 2023 was held on December 3rd, 2024 at Nakanoshima Festival Tower West in Osaka.
- WAKAZO’s LAST WORDS project conducted an event at one of Kyoto’s oldest temple, Syoujyoukenin.
- WAKAZO’s LAST WORDS project conducted an event at Shibuya QWS.