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  • Our member spoke at a students’ symposium “Connecting EXPO to SDGs: Future Society with UNITY”.

Our member spoke at a students’ symposium “Connecting EXPO to SDGs: Future Society with UNITY”.


To Our Supporters

On Friday, December 16, 2022, Our member participated in a students’ symposium hosted by a-tune, a student group of Osaka University’s Expo 2025 Japan Promotion Committee.

At this symposium, students from all over the world gathered to share ideas on “what we can do for holding the Expo and the achievement of SDGs” and how to realize UNITY = “a society where each individual can respect the position and the background of other people who are different from themselves”. 

WAKAZO shared “The Pay-It-Forward of Lives” to tell what we can do and what we want to leave for the future.

Our aspirations for the Expo were further strengthened by this valuable opportunity where students from around the world meet and share their ideas.

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