金沢inochi学生フォーラム2021を開催しました。/ Kanazawa inochi Student Forum 2021 was held.
弊団体の金沢支部が運営しますinochi Gakusei Innovators’ Program 2021 KANAZAWA(以下、i-GIP2021 KANAZAWAとします)の集大成であります金沢inochi学生フォーラム2021が11月7日に金沢大学角間キャンパスにおいて対面・オンライン混合方式で開催されました。
i-GIP2021 KANAZAWAでは高校生と大学生が「私たちの力で心臓突然死から未来の命を救い出せ」をテーマに心臓突然死問題に挑戦してまいりましたが本フォーラムはアイデアの発表のみならず広く金沢に住まう市民の方など130名以上をオンラインでお招きし、心臓突然死問題の啓発等も行うことができました。本フォーラムは11月8日の北國新聞の朝刊に掲載されました。
本フォーラムは北陸のコロナ重症患者の治療に最前線であたられました金沢大学附属病院救急部部長 岡島正樹 教授の命に向き合い命を救うとはどういうことかという講演に始まり、高校生による7つのアイデア発表が行われました。
Kanazawa inochi Student Forum 2021 run by inochi Gakusei Innovators’ Program 2021 KANAZAWA (a.k.a. i-GIP2021 KANAZAWA) , was held on November 7 at the Kakuma Campus of Kanazawa University in a both face-to-face and online format.
In the i-GIP 2021 KANAZAWA, junior/senior high school students have challenged the issue of sudden cardiac death under the theme “Save future lives from sudden cardiac death with our power”. This forum was not only a presentation of ideas, but also an opportunity to raise awareness of the issue of sudden cardiac death. The forum was featured in Hokkoku Shimbun on November 8.
The forum started with a keynote speech by Professor Masaki Okajima, Director of the Emergency Department at Kanazawa University Hospital, who has been at the forefront of treating severe coronary patients in the Hokuriku region, on what it means to face life and save lives.
The winning team, “Imoimo” from Kanazawa Izumigaoka High School, Ishikawa Prefecture, came up with an idea to save the lives of people who are at risk of sudden cardiac death during sleep by implanting a sensor in their pillow that can monitor their heart rate. Other teams are also working toward social implementation, and i-GIP 2021 KANAZAWA will continue to support them.
- All articles
- Press Release on “inochi’s Pay It Forward Week Presented by CHUGAI PHARMACEUTICAL”
- Students from the 2023 cohort, presented their research at the poster session of the Japanese Society of Sleep Research (JSSR).
- An English paper evaluating i-GIP2020 has been published.
- The inochi WAKAZO Forum 2023 was held on December 3rd, 2024 at Nakanoshima Festival Tower West in Osaka.
- WAKAZO’s LAST WORDS project conducted an event at one of Kyoto’s oldest temple, Syoujyoukenin.
- WAKAZO’s LAST WORDS project conducted an event at Shibuya QWS.