inochi KANTO healthcare summitを開催しました。/inochi KANTO healthcare summit was held.
弊団体が運営する中高生・高専生対象のヘルスケア課題解決プログラム、inochi Gakusei Innnovators’ Program 2021 KANTOにおいて、10月31日に最終選考会としてinochi KANTO healthcare summitが開催され、中高生25チームが発表を行いました。その結果、11月21日開催のinochi WAKAZO Forum 2021-YOUNG Living Lab for our „inochi“- にて登壇する2チームが選抜されました。また、この2チームはITmedia様に紹介されました。
inochi KANTO healthcare summit was held on October 31 as the final selection by inochi Gakusei Innovarors’ Program 2021 KANTO which is conducting a healthcare problem-solving program for junior/senior high school students. There, were
25 teams made presentations. A result, two teams were selected to speak at the “ inochi WAKAZO Forum 2021-YOUNG Living Lab for our “inochi“-„ on November 21. These two teams were also introduced in the online article by ITmedia.(Link as below)
The team “Three Sisters of Dosanko” , which won the Grand Prize at the inochi KANTO healthcare summit on October 31, focused on the issue of elderly people falling down and breaking bones due to black ice in Hokkaido. Cooperating with the city and companies, they developed a prototype of the product to make it easier for elderly people to notice the anti-slip materials they are distributed every year.
The team “Three Croissant Sisters” , which won the Grand Prize at the inochi WAKAZO Forum on November 21, focused on drowning in the bathtub because of a temperature sensory failure. They are developing a low-cost product that warns against excessive increases in body temperature calculated from bathing time.
- All articles
- An English paper evaluating i-GIP2020 has been published.
- The inochi WAKAZO Forum 2023 was held on December 3rd, 2024 at Nakanoshima Festival Tower West in Osaka.
- WAKAZO’s LAST WORDS project conducted an event at one of Kyoto’s oldest temple, Syoujyoukenin.
- WAKAZO’s LAST WORDS project conducted an event at Shibuya QWS.
- WAKAZO has developed the Donation Box
- The members of WAKAZO spoke at “Asia Week 2023: International Exchange Festa to Connect with Asia at Ritsumeikan”.