世界中の次世代イノベーターが集う、inochi WAKAZO Forum 2021を開催しました/inochi WAKAZO Forum 2021: A Gathering of Next-generation Innovators from Around the World.
11/21(日)にinochi WAKAZO Forum 2021 -YOUNG Living Lab for our “inochi”- を開催しました。
フォーラムは2部構成で行われ、第一部:inochi Gakusei Forum -ヘルスケアエポックメーカーの集い-では、今年7年目を迎え、ロサンゼルス・マレーシアといった海外にも展開した、 inochi Gakukusei Innovators’ Program(通称i-GIP)の最終発表の場として、関西・関東・金沢・徳島・ロサンゼルス・マレーシアの若者が発表しました。
第二部:inochi EXPO Forum -いのち輝くバトンをここから- では、豪華ゲストをお招きして、若者が万博という場所で社会を動かしていくためにはどうしていくべきかという問いについてのパネルディスカッションを行いました。ドバイ万博との中継や、WAKAZOの「いのち輝く未来社会」についての熱いプレゼンなど、これからの日本や世界を変えていく1つのきっかけとなる、非常に興味深い議論でした。
The inochi WAKAZO Forum 2021 – YOUNG Living Lab for our “inochi” – was held on November 21.
The forum was divided into two parts, the first part: inochi Gakusei Forum – A Gathering of Healthcare Epoch Makers – featured the inochi Gakukusei Innovators’ Program (i-GIP), which is now in its seventh year and has expanded overseas to Los Angeles, America, and Malaysia. Represented teams which are from KANSAI, KANTO, KANAZAWA, TOKUSHIMA from Japan, Los Angeles from the United States, and Malaysia had presentations as their final stage of i-GIP. The represented teams from KANSAI and KANTO district were also judged at this stage. The whole project of KANSAI and KANTO districts featured the concept of frailty. “Croissant san shimai” won the competition with their idea of warning people of excessive increases in body temperature calculated from bathing time, focusing on drowning in the bathtub due to temperature sensory flail.
There were many other ideas that young people from all over the world came up with over the course of five months, and the presentations were of a very high standard.
The second part: inochi EXPO Forum – Shining the Baton of Life from Here – featured a panel discussion with distinguished guests on the question of how young people can move society forward at the Osaka-Kansai Expo 2025. It was a quite interesting discussion that provided an opportunity to change Japan and the world in the future, including a live broadcast from the Dubai Expo 2020 and an impassioned presentation by WAKAZO on “Future Society Shining with Life”.
The inochi WAKAZO Forum 2021 was a very meaningful event that ignited a movement from youths to move the world and create the future.
So far, the forum has been viewed about 2500 times!
An archive of the day’s events is also available, so please take a look.
Click here to watch the archive link of the forum.
- All articles
- An English paper evaluating i-GIP2020 has been published.
- The inochi WAKAZO Forum 2023 was held on December 3rd, 2024 at Nakanoshima Festival Tower West in Osaka.
- WAKAZO’s LAST WORDS project conducted an event at one of Kyoto’s oldest temple, Syoujyoukenin.
- WAKAZO’s LAST WORDS project conducted an event at Shibuya QWS.
- WAKAZO has developed the Donation Box
- The members of WAKAZO spoke at “Asia Week 2023: International Exchange Festa to Connect with Asia at Ritsumeikan”.