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  • ミュンヘンで開催されたOne Young Worldにi-GIP KANTO代表が参加しました/i-GIP KANTO Representative Participated in ‘One Young World’ held in Munich.

ミュンヘンで開催されたOne Young Worldにi-GIP KANTO代表が参加しました/i-GIP KANTO Representative Participated in ‘One Young World’ held in Munich.


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i-GIP KANTO代表によるOne Young Worldの報告レポートになります。

inochi Gakusei Innovators’ Program(以下i-GIP)関東代表の國富太郎です。
僕は7/22~25でドイツのミュンヘンで開催されるOne Young Worldに行ってきました。
One Young Worldとは、様々なソーシャル・インパクトを⽣み出そうとしている世界中の各セクターから 活動的な次世代リーダーが各国代表として参加してきます。




Here the representative of i-GIP KANTO reports the experiences in ‘One Young World’.

I am Taro Kunitomi, the Kanto representative of the inochi Gakusei Innovators’ Program (i-GIP).

I took part in a program called ‘One Young World’ which was held in Munich, Germany from July 22 to 25.

‘One Young World’ brought together active leaders of next generation from all sectors and all over the world who were creating various social impacts.

Throughout the event, what struck me the most was the difference in views on life and death between countries. One participant told me very seriously about his commitment to the issue of climate change. When I asked what has made him work on it, he told me that his house and family were almost washed away by floods in the past.

I realized that they were very close to death.

I heard this story and looked back at myself. I have lived in a very privileged environment in Japan, so I have not been aware of death as he does.

It may be true that few people living in Japan have an experience of near-death compared to people in emerging or developing countries. However, just as he is serious about tackling the issue of climate change, I thought that there were things that we need to tackle as a Japanese, one of which is the aging of the population. Japan has the highest aging rates in the world. It is expected that many countries will face demographic changes like Japan’s in the future. Therefore, I believe that there are things that are worth working on because Japan is experiencing change earlier than other countries. This point of view reaffirmed to me that the theme of i-GIP this year, frailty in the elderly is worth addressing in Japan.

It was a precious opportunity to question what Japan’s existence is for from the perspective of life and death.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the organizations that helped me in sending me to this event.

Thank you so much.Thank you so much.

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