inochi Gakusei innovators’ Program2021がKick offされました!/inochi Gakusei Innovators’ Program 2021 has kicked off!
2021年7月11日に関西、関東、徳島、金沢の4地域にて大学生71名、中高生181名の総勢252名によるinochi Gakusei innovators’ Program2021が始動しました。各分野のトップランナーである先生方にご講演いただくことで、一人一人のモチベーションが高まるとともにヘルスケアの課題と向き合う決意を改めました。
On July 11, 2021, the inochi Gakusei innovators’ Program 2021 was launched in KANSAI, KANTO, TOKUSHIMA, and KANAZAWA with a total of 252 participants, 71 university students and 181 junior and senior high school students. The lectures given by professors who are top runners in their respective fields motivated each participant and renewed the determination to tackle the challenges of healthcare.
The following are the speakers and the impressions and enthusiasm university students of each region had.
①inochi 未来プロジェクト 理事長 澤芳樹 先生
②大阪大学医学部医学科卒医師 inochi WAKAZO Project創設者 寺本将行 様
①澤先生のご講演では”innovation”を興すことに対するマインドセットを養っていただきました。「先手必勝 、でも迷ったら難しい方を選べ」という言葉が胸につき刺さり、フレイルの人を救うために、自分の限界を超える気持ちで取り組もうと思いました。
東京大学公共政策大学院教授 兼 慶應義塾大学政策・メディア研究科教授 鈴木寛 先生
金沢大学附属病院救急部部長 岡島正樹 先生
①徳島大学大学院 医歯薬学研究部 研究部長 i-GIP徳島医学アドバイザー 苛原稔 先生
②株式会社シルバーウッドVR事業部/高齢者住宅事業部 大谷香澄 様
①Dr. Yoshiki Sawa, President of inochi Mirai Project
②Dr. Masayuki Teramoto, founder of inochi WAKAZO Project, Doctor of Medicine, a graduate of Osaka University School of Medicine
【Impressions and enthusiusms】
①Dr.Sawa’s lecture helped me to develop a mindset in creating “innovation”. His words, “You have to make the first move as early as possible, but if you are not sure, choose the difficult way,” really stuck with me and made me want to go beyond my limits in order to help people with frailty.
②The lecture by Mr. Teramoto taught me the importance of democratized technology and community leadership in solving problems in the next generation, and I was inspired to create my own innovation by adopting these techniques to change the world.
Dr. Kan Suzuki, Professor of Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo and Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University.
【Impressions and enthusiusms】
From the legal point of view, he talked about how close the relationship between medicine and various other fields was, and what the current state of medicine in Japan were compared to the rest of the world. I was reminded that even junior and senior high school students and young people who have not studied medicine can make innovation in solving healthcare issues.
Dr. Masaki Okajima, Director of Emergency Department, Kanazawa University Hospital.
【Impressions and enthusiusms】
We were able to strongly recognize that the next four months we make efforts will lead to the protection of someone’s life and “living”. I am sure that I’ll high experience a lot of emotions with high school students that cannot be expressed by the mere word ‘ joy’, ‘anger’, ‘sorrow’, and ‘pleasure’, but we will do our best to do everything for the sake of others and in order to reduce the number of people who die from sudden cardiac death to zero.
①Dr. Minoru Karihara, i-GIP Tokushima Medical Advisor, Director of Research in Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokushima Graduated School.
②Ms. Kasumi Otani, VR Division/Senior Citizen Housing Division, Silverwood Corporation.
【Impressions and enthusiusms】
①In his lecture, Dr. Karihara said that the prevalence of depression is highest after childbirth (in the 20s and 30s), which reminded us of the importance of solving postpartum depression.
②In the lecture given by Ms. Otani, we watched a VR video that reproduced a daily life of a woman who was busy raising her child and working. We gained the sense of ownership.
The lectures strengthened my desire to create a solution to postpartum depression and thereby making Tokushima a better place to raise children through the four months of program.
- All articles
- Press Release on “inochi’s Pay It Forward Week Presented by CHUGAI PHARMACEUTICAL”
- Students from the 2023 cohort, presented their research at the poster session of the Japanese Society of Sleep Research (JSSR).
- An English paper evaluating i-GIP2020 has been published.
- The inochi WAKAZO Forum 2023 was held on December 3rd, 2024 at Nakanoshima Festival Tower West in Osaka.
- WAKAZO’s LAST WORDS project conducted an event at one of Kyoto’s oldest temple, Syoujyoukenin.
- WAKAZO’s LAST WORDS project conducted an event at Shibuya QWS.