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  • Hacking Medicine 2021を開催しました/’Hacking Medicine 2021′ was held.

Hacking Medicine 2021を開催しました/’Hacking Medicine 2021′ was held.


Event Report

2021年6月13日から20日にinochi主催のハッカソンイベント Hacking Medicine 2021を開催しました。
Hacking Medicine 2021は医学生とエンジニア・学生エンジニアがチームを組み医療ヘルスケアの解決策を共に考え、作り出す医療xテクノロジー分野のハッカソンです。


‘Hacking Medicine 2021’, a hackathon event organized by inochi, was held on June 13-20, 2021.

‘Hacking Medicine 2021’ is a hackathon in the medical and technology field where medical students and engineers/student engineers team up to think and create solutions for medical healthcare together.

We formed a team of medical students and engineering people called “Makers” to develop IoT.

It was a new experience for us to talk to and create one product with people involved in manufacturing whom we had never talked to before.

I think I learned to look at one thing from different perspectives.

I hope this project has broadened the horizons of everyone who has participated in this event.

official homepage▶︎https://en.inochi-wakazo.org/hm2021/

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